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Heat Loss Investigation – Another issue solved

By 4 May 2017February 23rd, 2024No Comments
Often customers get told by the site agent there is ‘no point’ having a snagging inspection. One particular sales lady for a developer once described us as the ‘parking attendants’ of the building industry, to our face. Charming!
Today is another good example of why this is a poor attitude and why it is important to have a snagging survey with HomeSnag…
We were asked by a customer to inspect her house as there was noticeable heat loss in an upstairs bedroom since moving in nearly 2 years ago.
On arrival, we inspected several walls and carried out an internal thermographic inspection which revealed the gable wall was losing heat. Having established this, a further borescope check revealed no insulation at all to the wall above the garage. Evidentially the trades had not gone to the effort to access the area due to the limited access.
We are proud to say this is a unique service that only HomeSnag offers and it makes our day when solving issues like this!

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