What is a new-build settlement?
‘Settlement’ from a building surveying point of view technically lasts for 10 years, although on a practical basis, you should only really notice the signs within the first 12 months after completion.
These signs include:
- Doors not closing
- Cracks around the window sills, stairs and door frames
- Cracking floor tiles upstairs
- Cracking to brickwork outside
The severity of it will depend upon the foundation type and construction method to build the house, ie. timber framed vs traditional build. In either case, it is the house settling into its new foundations.
The reason that settlement cracks occur particularly around door frames, windows and staircases is not because it’s where timber and plaster adjoin (a common misunderstanding that Site Managers will tell customers). The truth is that from a structural point of view, the windows, stairs and doors are the weak areas of the house since they are openings. This is why you will find the most common settlement cracks occur around these openings vs shrinkage cracks which occur elsewhere.